Tuesday 26 February 2013

Let's Step Out !

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Greetings everyone ! Hey how was your first week of the new semester? Was it good? Well I hoped so. Mine was okay-okay. ;p I'm taking 20 credit hours for this semester, in which it does not make any much difference compared to last semester. ><

Modules are getting hard. Sheesh. Nothing can get easier yah?. Obviously. The main point here is, never get down easily and have faith in yourself that you're gonna strive for every semester ^^

Mashi tak terlambat untuk wish, congratulations on your results. Tak kisah lah pointer naik atau turun. What matters most is the effort that we had put in throughout the semester. Ada yang kata, tak capai target. Well, its okay darlings. Lemme share with you this one quote, 

Mimpi biar sampai ke bulan. Kalau jatuh pun, jatuh kat langit.

Well. Read between the lines. Deep enough? (:

Diam tak diam nak masuk 2 tahun kat UM nie. Kalau anda semua nak tau, atau memang yang dah tau. Nur Atiqah Abdul Malik adalah seorang yang memang malas untuk join apa2 program kat UM nie. Baik fac, atau apa2 persatuan luar fac, hatta kolej sendiri pun lagi lah tak amik kisah. 

Saya rasa, saya bahagia dengan apa yang saya ada. Buat apa nak ubah2 hidup ni?. Saya rasa contented. Saya rasa saya tak perlu apa2 lebih lagi. Cukup lah dengan apa yang saya ada sekarang.

Tapi semuanya berubah, sejak saya mula terpilih untuk jadi setiausaha salah satu program tahunan di fakulti. >< 

Orang yang tak pernah join apa2, participate pun tak, jadi AJK lagilah tak. Tapi tiba2 jadi SU program? Orang yang zero-knowledge jadi SU?. Selok belok club tak tau, flow atau procedure HEP atau apa2 semua tak tau. Tapi jadi SU?. Memang kerja gila. Memang orang yang pilih saya itu, orang gila. Itu yang saya kata.

Memang perit nak sahut cabaran tu. Memang nak kan pengalaman. Tapi proses yang akan kita lalui memang perit. Sbb kita takde ilmu pon kat apa yang kita buat tu. Di situ lah kita mula rasa stress. 

TAPI. Tahukah anda, stress help to push you even harder not to give up?. Bila stress, kita akan rasa terdesak dan terpaksa buat kerja tu. Dan akhirnya, kerja tu siap jugak. Kan?

Macam2 dalam fikirian. Hatta sampai ke hari ni stress jadi SU tak hilang. Sbb baru lepas siap kertas kerja dan hantar ke HEP. 

SATU BENDA UNTUK DISERAPKAN DALAM DIRI, kita patut rasa bersyukur dan bangga dengan diri sendiri, kerana orang percaya atas kebolehan kita. Kalau orang boleh percaya diri kita, kenapa kita sendiri nak memperlekehkan diri sendiri. Infact, we should just show them who we really are. Bukan untuk riak. Tapi inilah masanya anda akan kongsi ilmu yang anda ada, yang takde pada org lain. 

Sejak saya mula jadi SU, makin ramai orang yang saya jumpa. Dan makin banyak program yang saya join. One of them adalah UMASTGO, mentioned in the previous post. Siapa sangka saya boleh berubah jadi sesorang yang active?. Macam2 kawan baru saya jumpa. Yang berlainan fac, course, skills, jawatan, dan macam2 lagi. MPP pun ramai..

Eh bahagialah hidup kita kenal ramai orang. Sebab, kita hidup kat bumi, untuk jadi khalifah kan?. Dan khalifah juga perlu bimbingan. Tak salah kita bimbing sesama kita kan? Dan bila ada masalah dalam beberapa hal, kita tau nak cari siapa. Mintak pendapat. Nilai pendapat satu2. Bukan hanya berada dalam comfort zone keseorangan dan tak berani keluar dari kepompong tu..

And here, the point is, we have to get out of the norm. Get out of the comfort zone. Masuk uni umur lebih kurang 20 tahun kan? 20 tahun bukan lagi kanak2. Bukan lagi budak sekolah. Kita adalah orang dewasa. So we have to act as one. 

Trust me. You wont learn anything and know how much more awesome your life can be if insist to forever be in your comfort zone and dare not to step out.

Stepping out, whats there to worry, dear?. For Allah is always here with us ^^

Nanti dah masuk alam kerja, lagilah banyak cabaran. Kalau kita tak step out, sampai bila2 pun kita takkan berjaya. Kita takkan rasa nikmatnya hidup. Kita takkan rasa cantiknya hasil susah payah kita selama ni. Biar susah sekarangg. Sekaranglah masanya untuk belajar. 

So sama2lah kita belajar kayh. 

Saya nak sangat belajar dari kalian semua. Dan harap anda dapat sedikit sebanyak manfaat dari blog saya  ^^

والله أعلم بالصّواب

Thursday 7 February 2013


بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Alhamdulillah semester 3 is finally over and I think I had done my very best for this semester and I'm now hoping for the best. Harap2 lah result bagus. ^^

Whats with the headings of this post?. UMASTGO. University of Malaya Accelerated Soft Skills Training Programme. And how did I actually get involved with this?

Right after exams, I attended the UMASTGO program held by SERU and Faz Consultants. Signed the form on early December and alhamdulillah still get the chance to participate. Walaupun kena korbankan seminggu waktu cuti semester. Professor Sham (Head of SERU), yang ajak straight. There was no way to reject or object anything.

Initially I was reluctant, thinking that a week is just too long. Lagi2 bila tau kebanyakan hanya lah seminar dan sama aje macam kelas biasa. Plus, takde kenalan langsung dalam camp tu. But GUESS WHAT? I was totally wrong. 

The knowledge gained throughout the workshop were indescribable by words.

Seminars involved were:

  • Business Acumen and Finance Literacy
  • Teamwork
  • Professionalism, Ethics and Moral
  • Personal Development Plan and Action
  • Public Speaking
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Leadership Course
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Business Acumen and Finance Literacy (19th January 2013)
Facilitated by Encik Khairil Shahrim. Teaches us on how to read basic financial statement as it would be crucial when we step into the working life. I never this would be as much important to non-accounting people.

Teamwork (20th January 2013)
Facilitated by Encik Rizal. We went to Templer Park, Rawang and played paintball. It was hard working in a team that we dont know each other very well. Well thats the point ! Teaches us on how to adapt to new environment and work as a team to achieve a goal.

Professionalism, Ethics and Moral (21st january 2013)
Facilitated by Encik Azlan Chulan. Teaches us the concepts of these three terms and how to apply it daily lives. It all depends on the attitude. And everything that we do, are all related to professionalism ethics, and moral. It is needed in one's self so as to become successful in lives. Kalau dalam Islam, ada adab, ada akhlak, insyaAllah berjaya dunia akhirat.

Personal Development Plan and Action (21st January 2013)
Facilitated by Encik Hanafiah Md Isa and Encik Khairul Rijal. Leads us to explore and develop ourself (personal development) adn learn how to take action and plan our future. It makes us realise on how important SWOT is, in developing ourselves so as to continuously make improvement in our lives.

Public Speaking (22nd January 2013)
Facilitated by Mrs Elaine. Exposed to us the skills, the steps and the ways to prevent stage freight, and help us practised during the seminar to speak. Well. Indeed, it is vital for students like us, especially once we graduated and attending an interview sessions. So as to convince people and let people understand what we are going to convey.

Interpersonal Communication (22nd January 2013)
Facilitated by Mrs MeiFern. Well. The same thing we did during RSS workshop. About the Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Sanguine person. But here, we did a test on the DISC personality. Dominant, Influential, Steadiness, and Compliance. Well said, I'm still a phlegmatic & a steady person, who always tend to please others more prioritise relationship between people, more than any other things.

Leadership Course (23rd January 2013)
Facilitated by Mrs Nursita and Mrs Susan. Makes us release, realise, and reward the potential within ourselves, see the unseen, and hear the unheard knowledge around. Here we learn different kind of leadership styles and theories, to be applied in a particular situation. During this workshop, we are required to work as a big team, to manufacture as much as 45 cars in just 10 minutes. It was damn challenging. Though we did not hit the target required, but we manage to manufacture as much cars based on our team planning. Below are some pictures. (:

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (25th January 2013)
Facilitated by Encik Nahar and Mrs Lynette. Obviously, we learn how to apply critical thinking in problem solving, so as to apply the best solution to a particular problem. Critical thinking leads to innovation and perseverance, and it needs to be practised anytime, anywhere, and in any kind of situation. During this workshop, we are required to build an aircraft that travel the longest and have the longest airborne time, using a manila card and mahjong paper. This was the most difficult moment, as none of my group members are part of engineering students and we have little ideas on how to invent a great aircraft. However, we had fun. Its the teamwork that matters. (: Well, you can see on how my group wanted to create a UFO aircraft. Picture of me trying to fly the UFO aircraft, below. :p

Entrepreneurship and Innovation (26th January 2013)
Facilitated by Encik Anwarul Halim and Encik Hanim Shahril. This workshop enhance mind in being more innovative to be a good entrepreneur. I learn to realise that everyone can become an entrepreneur when they contribute new ideas through innovation. Innovation is not just a new invention. 


Closing ceremony was held at Dewan Gemilang, 12th Residential College on the very last day of the workshop (26th January 2013), at 745-10pm. UMASTGO participants are to be incharge of the closing ceremony and I'm way too glad that I did some contribution. I was involved in the PUISIDRA (puisi drama) for the performance. I was the one who controls and handles the musics for the poetry session. It went all smoothly. Alhamdulillah ~

It was sad when the workshop ends. Its like these 100+ students had really become one big family throughout just ONE week. New friends are awesome. Known each other for just one week but it feels like a-ten-years bond. I'm satisfied, and never will I regret going to such programme. (:


Umastgo ! All in a bomb ! Whee (:


The Logo of UmastGo ! (:

First day on 19th January 2013. A nametag with the tentative. A big folder which contains all the documents needed for all the seminars mentioned above.

The UFO aircraft invented by my group during the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving class on 25th January 2013.

Workstation 2. Manufacturing cars, in the Leadership Course class on 23rd January 2013. 

Phototaking Session of Group 11 and Group 12. Different group yet we are like one team. Pic without Hazwan Zulkifle, one of the member from Group 11

Okay again, Group 11 and 12, formal pose (: 

During the manufacturing cars session. (: Okay, Hazwan is in now ! 

My workstation. ^^ We had fun (:

Last day after the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Class. Group 12.
Zafiq Syaddiq Radzi is the only guy in this group. Yet he successfully adapt!
The rose among the thorns. Haha :D

PUISIDRA. The ending of the performance. Dua. By Khalilah. One of the first year participants. Me, 2nd from left.

While watching other performance. Kak Biha and Arina. Sayang mereka. 

After the closing ceremony. (: 

26th January 2013. 10pm. With all the participants of UAMSTgo. The amazing facilitators and SERU members.

Kenangan ~

Kenangan lagi ~


I hereby announce, I'm proud to be one of UMASTgo Participants. Hehe (: 

These were what we get. 2 shirts. A round neck and a polo shirt of UMASTgo. One nice folder with lots of information. A name tag. A passport as attendance of all classes. 10 batches for participation in each session. And a 4 gb pendrive ! Not in pic, the certs ! Worthwhile ! (:

SERU MEMBERS. Sayang mereka jugak (: Dah macam family.
Lagi2 Prof, Kak Diana ngan Kak Za ! (:

Tak lupa... Ini lah facilitators kami ~ Yang banyak berjasa walaupun hanya dalam tempoh seminggu (:


Looking forward for more programme like this.