Sunday 30 June 2013

Precious One from HEP and SERU (:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Being active is not what I have ever planned especially during the first year in University of Malaya. My initial aim was to focus 100% on studies and never did I care of collecting any certificates of any activities. 

I could still remember how I could get involved in SERU. Attended the Profiling Workshop on March 2012, well actually forced by a best friend classmate named Azim Rahmat from the same faculty. Frankly, I continue to continuously be active, be it SERU programmes, or faculty programmes as well as college programmes. Semua nak join. Well that what happens right after I knew SERU. 

Yeah. Huge thanks to SERU (:

As I mentioned earlier on, never did I expect I could make a lot of changes in just one year. It was beyond my own control, and not even in any of my plans or targets. But I believe this must all be HIS plans. And afterall, there is nothing wrong at all to be active, to collect any certs while you are in university. I strongly believe, all these could help in our CV. 

Okay. Inilah hasilnya. Serious demi Allah tak sangka sangat. Baru setahun. Walaupun rasa tak pernah 100% commit, tapi alhamdulillah, kepercayaan yang HEP dan SERU bagi amat lah berharga pada saya.

Gambar paling bermakna :p Selama ni lagi2 masa jadi SU, duk tulis surat, proposal, laporan, beri pada beliau untuk pengesahan dan kelulusan. Kali ni dapat bergambar. Jyeah.
TNC HEP UM. Datuk Dr. Rohana Yusof (:

Anugerah HEP 2013

Salah seorang penerima Anugerah Setia Bakti HEP di bawah SERU (:

Bersama Presiden Kolej-8 yang sangat sempoi.

Bersama YDP MPPUM.

 Ridhwan. Jayasri. Atiqah. Firman. Penerima Anugerah Setia Bakti - SERU.

What most interesting is Datuk TNC said that perhaps next year's award, they are planning to sponsor the best students to other Best Uni in ASIAN. Hihihi.

Moh le active2 kan diri dengan aktiviti HEP. Hihihi.

Terima kasih SERU. Terima kasih HEP (:

Ok till here.

والله أعلم بالصواب

May 2013. PESTA KO-K 2013. (:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Okay previous post was about Accounting Night. Nothing special throughout May 2013. I was busy with assignments, as well preparing report for Accounting Night 2013. May was such a haywire I shall say. Plus, having to prepare for finals. Ohmy. I was damn shagged at some moments. Yet alhamdulillah. I managed to get over it. Jyeah.

Despite all the heavy assignments almost every week, as well as presentations, seriously I just couldnt believe I could get it done. I almost gave up and h*** no. I did it (: 

But what was so special about May is, errr... Hmm General Election 13 ? Haha.

Well not much experience in this as I am not eligible to vote. Err no I am not underage. Please. I am 22 this year. Haha.  It was simply because I am not a Malaysian. Zzz. 

Okay lets not talk about politics. *saya tau okay pasal semua parti di Malaysia*. Lets not create controversial issues that might be sensitive to some other parties. Lets just keep private and confidential. Tunggu lah nanti bila dah tukar kerakyaran Malaysia, baru lah kita boleh bicara pasal hal politik Malaysia sama-sama ye. Kang tak pasal, saya kena tendang keluar dari negeri ni... Haha sob sob.

Okay back to the main point. What's about May?.

May ? PESTA KO-K ! Remember that all coachees and peer coaches were actually required to attend this Pesta Ko-K? I was so excited when Abg Mirul made it compulsory for us to attend. Know why? Sebab saya perform ! 

I made such a big difference in my life this semester when I entered Malay Folk Dance as my co-curriculum. Could still remember how my closed ones reacted the very first moments they got to know about this. 

"ika masuk tarian ?! biar betul. dah lah kasar. haha boleh ke nak menari? confirm kaku."

Couldnt care much about that. Well initially I had a very hard time to practice, and I had no confidence at all to perform this infront of so many people. Lagi2 bila dapat tau kat DTC? Nooo. I scared that I might have the stage freight. I'll be dead meat. That was what I thought.

But have a look on the pictures below. Type of Folk Dance performed : Tarian Joget

During our Final Rehearsal

My Dance Partner, Aizul.

With those from Korea !

With one of the Inang Dancer, cum my own classmate, Nadia !

With our Dance Instructor throughout the semester. Cikgu Siti <3

Looks who's coming to the front ! Heheheh.

And we were at the centre of the DTC stage. Bare foot okay. 

Centre of Attraction ? :p

Reaching the end of the performance.

Closing (': Finallyyyy.... After 14 weeks ~

Percaya tak ni Nur Atiqah Abdul Malik ? ;D

Well Just feel like laughing to see all these. Nampak ayu tak? Tak sangka kan? Hahah the one whom people always call as gangster, is finally dancinggg. Hahah tarian melayu lak tu. ;)

To be honest, I was actually quite disappointed as no one from my Empire Puma members managed to stay up till our tarian performance. Well yeah, tarian kami persembahan terakhir. Dah pukul 10 setengah malam masa tu. Fully understood but I just wished if all RSS members were there )':

Nevertheless I made it. Neither did I have any stage freight. And not forgetting, huge thanks to RSS buddy, Harif Harun as he was the only one who stayed from the very beginning of the pesta, till the very end our performance. At least, his presence as one of our RSS members, cum one of my best friends, cheered me up that night. Seriously Rif, thank you lah weh. Tak lupa jasa kau. 

Banyak perubahan yang aku berjaya buat pada semester nie. And who has ever expected this? Neither did I. Alhamdulillah. As time passes, we do learn alot. And jyeah, there goes the saying;

learning is a continuous process. :D

so never hesitate to make a change in your life. You never know if it could benefit you more that you could ever think of. (:

والله أعلم بالصواب

Those Secretary Days.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

It is supposed to be the 3rd post since 8th June 2013 but something just cocked up and I was not able to update blog as required. So much things happened around these 2 months. And to be honest, they are all actually indescribable by words.

I am not the type who have much wisdom to share any kind of motivational or inspirational post. I, myself, am learning to be as matured as I could. And all my posts have been about my own experiences. Too bad readers, this time round it's gonna be same thing :p

Perhaps you might want to really read between the lines of what I am about to convey.

I hope everyone could still remember, I have once told ya about me being the secretary of Accounting Night 2013. So let me just share bits of it yah.

Accounting Night 2013 was held on 27th April 2013 which fell on Saturday. Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly as planned except for the delay of our Dean from our own faculty. 

Okay not going to talk about the entire event. But being secretary is not as easy as I could ever think before. Well I do love doing reports. I do love writing letters. Well I really thought I could enjoy things.

I am not being racist. Well I hate racism. But it was just hard to work with a bunch of big group, and me, being the only malay girl in the central committee. As aware guys, as I have told you like so many times before, I have never ever joined any program before (other than SERU), so I do not have much experience working with the Chinese. It was awkward and I tend to isolate myself at certain times.

I am sorry to put at the evaluation form, blaming my mates for communicating in thier language and made my self isolated for that reason. Initially I though it was rude. And I have to gain my respect. That WAS WHAT I THOUGHT in the very first place. But to think of it back, as I sit back and think thoroughly all that I have done throughout the event, I did not at all blame my mates for communicating in their languages.

I am the one to blame for I have actually learned Mandarin and Chinese for more than one year during my 2nd year Diploma and worst, I forgot them all. I cant even recall any single common phrase. I did not practice and there it goes, I learn for nothing. Only then I realise, how important is Mandarin in our society now. Kalau saya praktikkan ilmu tu dari dulu, tentunya sekarang tak menjadi apa2 masalah.

Could still remember my 3rd coaching session with my coachees, where I let out all these to my coachees. And Eddie (Edwin Jelenggai) just simply said this one sentence, that made me realised that it was entirely my own mistakes. Why should I blame others?

Eddie cakap : "Kak Tiqa belajar lah cakap Cina. Itu sahaja caranya."

Sentap. Sentap sangat. Cause what I did was like trying to run away from problems by isolating myself and giving excuses, not mixing around with my own committee. 

Well. Any Chinese friends, if you are reading this, please note that I deeply apologise for this. Trust me. We could all still work together if we understand each other well. Regardless of our race. (:

Other than that, being a secretary helps me alot in terms of knowing soooooooo many stuffs. Be it in the faculty staffs, other faculty's, as well as HEP's staffs. It was fun. And indeed peeps, it is such a pleasure when others know you as well. Hehe. 

Being a secretary helps me to be more open. Cause we deal with other parties. And there goes entirely my Phlegmatic-ness, and I am able to negotiate things with people, being a lil bit dominant, and get things done as it should. Patience is all we need.

So guys, I learn a lesson. 

Never be afraid to try something new. Cause if we have faith in ourselves, and leave the rest to HIM, the knowledge and experiences, as well as the lessons, that we'll gain is so much valuable that we could ever thought. 

Well. And as for this,

والله أعلم بالصواب

Tunggu next post ! I am writingggg. Hehe.