Saturday 30 March 2013

1st and 2nd Coaching Session !

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Satu Malaysia ! Hehe.

Alhamdulillah 1st coaching session done on 20th March and the second on last Wednesday (27th March)
Everything went smoothly, cuma kumpulan Inia tak dapat hadir. Sbb Inia sendiri tidak sihat.

Nevertheless, 1st coaching session tetap berjalan. Handled by Arif Wawan and Me.
And alhamudlillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah every coachees under us managed to be there.
Huge thanks darling brothers and sisters (:



It was undeniable that butterflies were all in my stomach on the very 1st day of coaching. Seeing majority of them are punctual, be there on time, as promised, at KPS, and patiently waiting for Arif and Me, I get even more nervous. ><
Thanks to Arif Wawan, for officiating the 1st session, and was there together. (sbb Inia takde...) (:

Nothing much could describe the 1st session as I was REALLY GRATEFUL that ALL the members managed to share alot of thingsssssss with us, and they seem to be comfortable with us.

1st coaching session was about goal settings and we did like a round-table method..taking turns on sharing our points. Err Okay not really cause we dont like to so-called force people to talk.
What I preferred is for my coachees to just say whatever they like to say, anything that they would like to share, just anything as long as they speak.Obviously, there will no right and wrong answers for the goal settings session. Its just how we all set our goals, be it short term, or long term.
Guess what? Alhamdulillah again......
Everyone does not seem to be THAT awkward to share with us their goals, not as what I've expected in the very first place...
Wait, wait..Nah.. Its not that I'm thinking negatively towards my coachees.
But I do understand the situation where we have to share something with someone we just knew.
Its like.. "krikk.. krik..."
But yes, thank god, everyone has their own point, and without having me to pin-point anybody that often, some of them were willingly offer to share their goal settings.

And, obviously I was a bit embarrassed to share much as I know I still lack of certain knowledge, and afterall, coachees and US, there are not much differences, we are still studying, still struggling to to be the best. What kind of wisdom should I contribute?. Will they learn something from me?.

As for me, Yes. I did learned alot. In terms of development. In which has stated in the workbook that were given to us, there are 6 types of development and which is the most important thing that we think we really need to improve on.
I could still remember my ranking:
1) Spiritual and Religious Development
2) Behavior Development
3) Health Development
4) Personal and Leadership Development
5) Academic Development
6) Extra-curricular Development

Well yes, in my very personal opinion, once we have the spirit to do a thing, we surely gonna commit and behave positively on that particular matter. But what about the others?..

I learned through my coachees, more on how they want to improve on these developments.
More on how they feel that they have been drifted away from HIM and go after Dunya. Their so-called regrets yet the awesome determination to change, I can see.
Subhanallah. Seriously ... Korang member satu semangat dalam diri Akak (:

Not forgetting Eddie, who was willing to share his personal problem, well of course I shall not spill it out here ^^ Thanks alot. You know, its not easy for a guy to share things.
Well then, I assume, or shall I say, I believe, that you must have put the trust in us, therefore you are willing to share. Either way it may be, you are such a strong boy with strong spirits !

Well some of my coachees tend to be a bit shy in this 1st coaching session, but I was way too relieved that they are willing to co-operate with us in making the 1st coaching session a success one. Alhamdulillah.

Well, lets see how the next coaching session goes ~



All praises to Him. 2nd coaching session tetap berjalan walau tanpa kumpulan Arif Wawan dan Inia kali nie.. >< Everyone has a very tight timetable and we could not find any suitable time to gather all of the EMPIRE PUMA members.

Maaf. Tak dapat nak gather semua. Sumpah. Rindu nak jumpa semua EMPIRE PUMA.

This time round we held it Faculty of Business and Accountancy, to be specific, at Dataran Zaba.
Time promised at 8pm. And guess what, everyone was there EVEN BEFORE 8pm!
MasyaAllah I was surprised. I was sooo happy to see them that I just could not stop smiling at that time, despite the butterflies (again) I had in my stomach, thinking that I had to handle the coaching session all alone by myself tonite with my 5 coachees, plus with 2 members from Inia's group..
So overall, there were 7 coachees handled by just me, during this 2nd session.

Okay the module for the 2nd coaching session was "360 degree feedback".
Its about highlighting and identifying our weaknesses and strengths..
Generally, everyone needs to prepare a list, of their weaknesses and strengths, by 3 different categories of people.
1st category, it needs to be from someone who is from our personal life
2nd category, it needs to be someone from your surroundings.
3rd category, it needs to be from someone who you dont like, or you dont even know!
3 persons for each categories.

Interesting huh?

But unfortunately my coachees did not manage to fulfill the requirement needed, and therefore I decided to assign just a short LDK among them.
All they needed to do is just to take out a piece of paper,
and do the homework, for the 3rd category.
Well yeah obviously the reason is because they have not know each other that well yet.
That took about 15 minutes, and I was amazed on how excited these girls are.
Something I have not expected. I thought they would sigh or anything.
But yeah, they were enjoying themselves. So I let them be.

15 minutes past, and the first question I asked was:
"How was that? How do you guys feel when I asked you to do this task?.."
Alhamdulillah their response was enlightening!

J volunteered to speak first, and followed by me picking up any of them.
Ada yang kata, apa yang dikatakan tentang kelemahan dan kekuatan mereka tu betul.
Ada yang kata tidak.
For those who didnt say it suit them, I asked for their sharing on what they think are their real strength and weaknesses. And they did shared.

It was half past nine and I started to share things about myself too.
On how I did this assignment last year with Kak Elin, on what are my weaknesses back then, and how have I improved on it and stuffs.
Then the most challenging part began. I request them to list down the strength and weaknesses that they see in, from the very first time they met me, up until now. Well yes, they, too, fall on the 3rd category.. Antara orang2 yang saya tak kenal sangat.
And there it goesssssssssssss ~

It was contradictary to last year's comment from those who didnt know me that well.
Dulu orang kata saya sombong, muka garang, tak reti senyum. Muka tension.
And sekarang, it is the other way round. (:

That explains why, my personality has changed from Phlegmatic to Sanguine (:

Again, I did learned alot from this 2nd session.
One of them looks so quiet during the 1st session, but masyaAllah, when they speak, I can feel the wisdom flow out of their mouth. Especially when some of them mention some of my weakness xD
Tak marah. Sebab ada betulnya.
Being too talkative, or toooooo opened, may have the negative side tho.. not only being friendly...
But some people may be annoyed with us too. Or just cant be bothered.

Of course, this kind of session let me know my coachees, or to be specific, more better and help me identify what kind of persons they are., What personality they have, and how should I react to them, or mix with them in the future.

THANK YOU Jayasri, Nadwa, Jannah, Azila, Annajah, Atikah dan Izyani

Psssst, jangan lupa buat homework yah.. (:
Update your blogs regarding the strengths and weaknessed from your peers and personal life..
Sebab hari tu tak share kan? So kita nak baca kat blog awok2..

AND, the homework on Wheel of Life page 26 of the workbook ! (:


Hoping for better tomorrow.
Better coaching session.
Better bondings among us.
InsyaAllah Allahumma Ameeeen (:

والله أعلم بالصّواب

Monday 11 March 2013

"A Doctor In The House"

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Tadaaa ! Seperti yang dijanjikan dalam 2 post yang lepas. 
Inilah hadiah Hari Jadi untuk mak saya.
Mak texted me after isyak, acknowledging me that she has received this belated birthday presenttt. 
Wheee. :DD
Thanks to two friends, Nadiah Hanafi and Syahidah Hanafi, who went back to Singapore last two days, and helped me to pass this to Abah, to give it to Mak, as a surprise. Hehe.

Okay, post tentang buku ni takde kena mengena dgn bakal PilihanRaya Umum Malaysia akan datang.
Maaf, no offence ye.

Mak teringin sangat buku ni. Dari mula dia nampak buku ni kat mana entah...
Tapi waktu tu buku tu dalam bahasa melayu. Doktor Umum.

Semua orang pasti kenal Dr. Mahathir. Atau selalu orang sebut Dr. M.
Tak nak bercakap apa2 pasal politik sbb to be honest, saya sangat naive dalam politics matters.
Well then still I know I should still be aware of those kinds of things... 
Kalau tak sampai bila2 pon jadi katak bawah tempurung. Ye dok ?

Saya tak minat sejarah. Sikit2 boleh lah. Nak mendalami sejarah, is so not my field.
Satu hari dulu tu tergerak tengok National Geographic, documentary on Megastructures, if I'm not mistaken. Masa tu, it was about the KLCC, Petronas Twin Tower, Kuala Lumpur. One of the tallest twin tower in the world. *applause* Bangga k. 
And the whole idea of this building was inspired by this great man. Dr. M.
The Islamic Star shape of KLCC, Subhanallah.

I have yet to know more about Dr. M. Walaupun saya waganegara Singapura, dibesarkan dan sekolah di Sinagpura, tapi saya tetap bangga. Saya dah pindah JB, belajar di KL, I am certainly part of Malaysia now. And obviously I'm proud to be here, and I'm impressed with all the achievements and developments that Malaysia has encountered.
Kita sama-sama melayu. Dan siapa kata Melayu tak boleh berjaya?.
And Dr.M. is an example. A very good one indeed. One of the great leaders. The awesome-est risk taker. And yes.
The main thing that people are most aware about him is that, he was the Prime Minister of Malaysia for 25 years. And Subhanallah that was such a longg perioddd.

Bapa Pemodenan.
No doubts. Just look around you. I mean in Malaysia, of how Malaysia has developed much.
And still developing.

Baaaanyak lagi saya perlu baca.
Minat kepada beliau. Nak tau sangat apa rahsia beliau. Nak tau sangat kejayaan lain yang beliau telah capai.
I'm going home next two weeks, and I will surely take the chance to read this book !
Well only then will I share the contents here ;)

Okay here are the videos mentioned before. Aired in the National Geographic channel.
Megastructure: Petronas Twin Tower, Kuala Lumpur.
It mentioned how Dr. M had the vision to transform Malaysia,
and we see how this idea by Dr. M, of having SkyScrapers in Malaysia, has really put Malaysia in the global ranking. Yayness. Suka lah.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Saya doakan Malaysia akan terus berjaya tak kiralah siapa Perdana Menteri nya sekarang, atau akan datang. 
Malaysia masih dikategorikan sebagai negeri Islam.
In sya Allah. Allah sentiasa bersama Malaysia (:

والله أعلم بالصّواب

Saturday 9 March 2013

Dont Lose a Chance on THIS !

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Presenting to you...............

(CLICK on the image to link to the PAGE of this event)

An awesome event held by both IIUM and UM, together with the ISC (International Student Centre).
As you can see the names of OUR REAL HEROES.
This is indeed such a beneficial programme or talk that we SHOULD attend.
Not specifically for Muslims.
Any faith is welcomed.

Below is the video of an Atheist who converted into Islam.
Raised as an atheist, with Christian parents.
And he, who initially thought Islam was such a bad religion.
But he turned out to be one of us now.
Lets just watch how he gets the Hidayah from Allah s.w.t
Subhanallah ^^



For those who are interested to go to the ZEROES SESSION IN IIUM, 
here's the link to the transportation service to IIUM, Gombak.

Jum pakat gi ramai2 nak tak? (:

والله أعلم بالصّواب

Friday 8 March 2013


بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Terbaca blog salah satu rakan peer coach, Harif, bercakap tentang pengorbanan mak ayah. In which he mentioned in order to succeed, just think of your parents, what they had done all these while, to bring you up to this extend or level.

Terkena juga dengan cadangan post saya. I'm posting about MAK.

Mak. Tu yg saya panggil mak saya. Mak. Umi. Ibu. Mama. Tak kisah lah macam mana pun panggilan kita terhadap mereka yang bergelar ibu, mereka tetap seorang ibu.

Seperti Harif jugak, perkara yang boleh buat saya naik semangat, adalah bila saya ingat mak abah saya. Mungkin ada diantara kita dikalangan orang senang, tapi perlu ingat, macam mana senag pun keluarga kita, itu adalah titik peluh mak ayah kita yang nak kekalkan kemewahan mereka ada, untuk masa depan ktia anak-anak kita. Untuk yang warganegara Malaysia, sehingga ke tahap kamu semua dapat tajaan biasiswa...Kenapa? Sebab mak abah didik kamu belajar pandai2 masa sekolah dulu.

Macam tu jugak saya.

Mom to me, is simply everything in life. I couldnt imagine life without her, and never will I try imagine ><

All I know is I'm gonna make her happy as much as I could.

Last Sunday was Mak's birthday. Happy 52nd Birthday !
Exactly 30 years older than me. Was down due to the reason that I had workcamp for my faculty event and that I did not get to go back to hometown just to be with her. 

But guess what?. I bought for her a present. For the very first time in my life, I bought something soooooooooooooo expensive. Sebelum ni, masa kecik2, saya selalu bagi benda2 handmade... Selalunya, kad... Atau bendera, ada tulis MAK besar2. Bila da naik sekolah menengah, sampai lah waktu diploma, bila dah mula duduk di Selangor dan jauh dari Mak, tiap kali birthday, saya akan balik dan belikan bunga untuk Mak. Entah da berapa banyak bunga entah Mak collect.. Siap buat perhiasan lagi..

P/s. Bukan bunga betul. BUKAN melambangkan kasih sayang palsu terhadap ibu sendiri. Tapi sebab saya lagi suka beri hadiah yang sesorang tu boleh simpan, buat kenangan. Sekurang2 nya kalau say pergi, ada juga yang saya tinggalkan. :p

SO. TAHUN NI. Saya decide untuk belikan Mak sesuatu yang dah lama mak nak, tapi tak beli lagi sebab katanya nak kumpul duit dulu untuk pengajian saya. Dia kata tu lagi penting ><

Memandangkan duit gaji hasil kerja Librarian cuti sem lepas ada lagiii, saya ambil sedikit wang tu, belikan hadiah tersebut untuk Mak, dan selebihnya, kad bank Singapore tu, saya bagi mak guna. (Walaupun dah hampir 6 tahun saya kerja part time, mak tak pernah guna pun duit saya >< )

Tau tak salah satu perkara atas muka bumi ni,  yang boleh buat happy? 

Of course, membahagiakan mak abah sendiri dengan hasil titik peluh usaha kita sendiri. 
Dan yes. Saya pasti, mak mesti suka hadiah tahun nie. Hehe.

Okay ni bukan COCO Crunch yang kita buat sarapan tiap2 pagi kayh. 
Saje. Untuk ceriakan suasana.. Dan saje nak buat suspen, saya letak hadiah tersebut dalam kotak cereal sarapan saya hari2 ni. xD

So ni dah balut. Esokkk kawan saya akan balik ke Singapore, maka saya kirimkan hadiah ni pada dia, dan saya minta abah ambil hadiah dari dia, and lastly, pass it to MAK ! Hehehe

Apa sebenarnya hadiah yang saya bagi MAK untuk bday dia ni ?

Haaa... Tu kena tunggu SMS dari Mak saya dulu. An acknowledgement text saying that she has received this present. Lepas tu, baaaaaaaaaaaaru boleh bagitau apa yang saya belikan untuk Mak. ^^


Mehlah kita sama baca doa kejappp sebelum kamu terus angkat kaki dari blog saya ni..

  رَبَّي اغْفِرْلِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ، رَبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا

~ اللّهمّ آمين ~

والله أعلم بالصّواب

Monday 4 March 2013

From The Peer Coaches.

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Alhamdulillah. All praises to HIM for giving us all the chance to meet again as one team, and now, as the Peer Coaches. The challenges are getting harder as we now hold the responsibility to coach our juniors. 

Arif, Harif, Hasrul, Firman, Akmal, Habib, Atikah, Maheran, Mhiruna, Inia, Kak Jihah, Bibah, Puri, and Me. My gratitude to get to know them up to this level is just indescribable by words.

I could feel the bonds are getting stronger, and the chemistry is getting better.
Heyyy dear Coaches, errr, can you feel me? Haha.

Huge thanks to Kak Elin and Abg Mirul for this opportunity once again.

To all juniors of Real Sahabat SERU, We really hope that we all can work together. And we would really want to share with you guys what we have learned throughout our journey being the coachess, more or less about a year ago. 

Take this sharing sessions as an opportunity for you to have a break from your daily classes and lectures. Keeping things too much on your own will kill you softly. Here is the moment, for you to let out anything, and learn from others experience, directly. 

We are here to listen. To be a buddy to you.

والله أعلم بالصّواب

Friday 1 March 2013


بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

A talk on how human beings exist on Earth, how the 1st Prophet was created,
and also all the preaches done by other Rasuls like Abrahim, Musa, Isa, and Muhammad s.a.w.

1st talk was held yesterday (28th Feb 2013) 8pm at Faculty of Law.
And masyaAllah. It was really full.
(Wish they will change the venue for the next coming sessions)
1tst talk was given by Sheikh Daud, an american I guess. Of course, a Muslim.
But his knowledge is unbeatable. Amazing subhanallah !
No words can really describe of how amazing this programme is.

We have 4 more weeks to go. Four more talks.
I strongly encourage you guys, especially Muslim Friends to attend this.
Hey. Just 2 hours. It wont make up much of your time right.
Rather than doing nothing in the room right infront of FB or twitter xD

Its gonna be worth it trust me.

Above picture was taken yesterday. Talk on Nabi Adam. Our 1st Prophet.
The best thing was I get to sit infront !
Angle yang sangat best.
Since there were too manyyyyyy sisters, the guys moved to the stage, and jyeah,
sangat gembira (:

Make yourself free on every Thursday 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th March 2013.
Just 2 hours and I'm sure, you're gonna learn alot (:
Afterall, its free !

Tahukah anda, di UIA, nak attend program nie, 3 hari, RM80.
So, grab the chance !
Shall see you there.

His quote that I "favourite" the most:

There are always those moments in A DAY that we commit aloooottt of sins and we know but never do we get upset at all

والله أعلم بالصّواب

Most Challenging Semester, I guess

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

20 Credit hours. Looking at the timetable, it looks just fine. Aint much difference compared to last semester's. Taking tarian is the most risky part cause I have no basics in any any type of dance. And plus, tarian rakyat ! tarian yang memerlukan kelembutan yang teramat. And everyone is totally aware about who I am. Gangster macam saya ni nak menari? Hahah tak tau lah macam mana rupanya nanti. Tapi, mana tau kan? Tiba2 jadi extra extra extra lembut lepas nie?. Heheheheh.

Modules are getting hard. Will be having presentations every week and tutorials MUST be done. Lecturer nak tengok ! Mcm homework time zaman sekolah dulu. Memang tak boleh main2 lah. Tapi memang bagus jugak. Buat kita makin keen untuk habiskan kerja, and buat latihan, supaya kita betul2 paham yang kita dah belajar masa lecture.

INGAT ye kawan2. Macam mana pun, please do your tutorials. This is for your own good. It will surely help you during exams. Trust me.

Okay. Biasalah tu kan. Setiap sem mesti stress ngan belajar. Okay apa yang challenging sangat sem ni bagi saya? Sem ni sangat mencabar sebab saya adalah Setiausaha dalam Program Besar Jabatan Akaun saya. Program tahunan yang dinantikan oleh setiap pelajar tahun akhir jabatan kami. Malam Perakaunan. As mentioned in the previous post, saya mempunyai zero knowledge dalam memegang apa2 jawatan dalam Majlis Tertinggi sesebuah program. Tiba2 jadi. So. Memang sangat mencabar. Kena banyak sabar dengan kerenah ahli lain. Juga kerenah officer di fakulti. Di HEP, especially. Phew. Penat sangat rasanya walaupun baru 2 minggu mula kelas. Ke sana ke mari.

Kalau boleh, saya tak nak complain sangat. Tiap2 hari kita hanya perlu doa, supaya hasil segala usaha akan membuahkan hasil yang sangat memuaskan. Bukan pada diri sendiri aja, tapi pada orang lain jugak. Satu perasaan yang sangat dinantikan. Dan sayalah akan jadi orang yang paling bahagia masa tu. ^^

Walaupun kini dilantik sebagai peer coach dalam RSS, tapi saya juga mengharap kerjasama rakan2 semua, ahli2 kumpulan, tak kisah lah kumpulan mana pun, sama2 lah kita bagi support pada satu sama lain. Saya juga masih lagi belajar, dan banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari. 

Sama2 lah kita belajar, and yes, we're going thru uni life together, arent we?. 

Jangan risau, saya sudi terima apa jua pendapat dari sesiapa pun mengenai diri saya. I'm open. No worries. I'm approachable. (:

Jumpa lagi ya (:

والله أعلم بالصّواب