Tuesday 30 April 2013

SMK Mergong, Kedah. 1001 Pengajaran.

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Assalamualaikum everyone. Okay lama kan tak update? 
A lot of things to be shared yet the time is just so limited.
the last 2 -3 weeks were the most busiest moments, till I didnt even have a look at my own blog.

Oh well. Tomorrow's May ! How time flies.
What happened the last few weeks have really impacted me like alottttttttttt. Things happened too fast.
And how I just hope I could turn back the time, rewind every single moments, till I have no regrets.

Okay what were the most memorable thing that I have been mentioning?
It was actually the involvement as facilitator, under Kolej Kediaman Raja Dr Nazrin Shah's Facililtator Convention.
The last 2 post if I am not mistaken, the one that I shared about Kem Kembara Gemilang, if you could still remember.
YES ! Itulah programnya.


My initial plan is just to have a visit to Kedah, as I have never ever been there before.
I didnt take seriously on what I have to do there.
All I just wanted is to have a sweet escape.

But everything changed when I met all the SPM students of SMK Mergong (Alor Setar, Kedah).
These kids were the excels but yet they are the potential ones.
We made alot of activities for them and mostly were academic and self reflection.

At first we thought these kids wont be able to get along with us.
Especially me.
But as hours passed, alhamdulillah, we managed to bring these kids to our goals.

Well I could still remember the moment when we, the facis have our own group of SPM student, and we are required to make them share with us what are their goals in life, in 3 dimension. 6 months from now, which is their SPM moment, 5 years, and 10 years from now.

It was disheartening when majority of them did not know what they are going to be. Its like they have no ambitions. It was indeed surprising when some of the girls simply said
"Ape lagi kak, 5 dan 10 tahun dari sekarang, dah kawen lah, dah de anak, duduk rumah, jaga dorang.."

Why do I say I was surprised is because, they are in he science stream, add maths, accounts, and other good academic course they are taking.
But why on earth do these kids have no intention at all to be "someone"? To make all their efforts throughout their school life worthwhile?

Well that was the moment when we scolded them, and advised them to have at least a goal in your life, on what they are going to be, on what they are wishing to be, and on how they are going to repay their parents, their families, for all the endless deeds they made.
Takkan tak terlintas langsung nak jadi sesorang yang berjaya dalam akademik?
Tak teringin nak ada kerja bagus?
Tak teringin nak simpan duit banyak2, pergi haji ke, bawak mak ayah tu pergi mana2 ke.
Tak teringin nak ada kereta sendiri dengan duit sendiri hasil kerja titik peluh sendiri?
Tak teringin nak manfaat segala ilmu yang dah bertahun belajar kat sekolah?
Nak biar macam gitu aje segala usaha masa kat sekolah?
Itulah nasihat yang kami beri. Yang saya beri pada mereka.

Sumpah masa nasihat adik2 ni, terus tersentap sekejap, rasa macam nak nangis pun ada.
Terus terbayang diri 5-10 tahun lepas, yang sesungguhnya sama macam adik2 ni, bahkan lagi teruk.
Saya, seorang yang suka berputus asa, tak ingin mencuba, katak bawah tempurung, asik berserah pada takdir.
Halangan kejayaan saya jadiakn sebab untuk tak terus ke hadapan.
Cita-cita nak jadi doktor perubatan, terkubur macam gitu dengan alasan, tak pandai2 belajar sains.
Result pon asik teruk. Tak langsung nak usaha untuk tingkatkan diri.
AKhirnya, takde pilihan, terima pendapat orang, untuk amik course, yang memang tak terlintas pun dalam fikiran.

Kalau lah saya boleh putar masa balik, 10 tahun dari lepas, sebelum naik ke tingkatan 1 lagi, saya nak betul2, buktikan yang saya tak lemah. Masalah kesihatan yg menjadi punca saya sering hilang fokus, saya nak jadikan ia satu motivasi. Satu inspirasi, untuk tak kecewakan mak abah yang habis duit banyak untuk saya.
Kenapa tak fikir macam gitu dulu?.
Hati ni merintih Allah aje tau...Sesalnya dalam dada ni, sampai ke hari ni masih terasa.

That was exactly how I felt during the sharing session with the SPM kids.
Tanpa segan silu, saya kongsi semua tentang diri saya dulu, dan sekarang.
Tujuan hanya satu, 
I wouldnt want them to be like me, at all.
Sekarang ni lah(waktu SPM) waktu nak tentukan bidang mana yang akan kita ceburi nanti,
jadi takde penyesalan di kemudian hari. Biar kita ambil sesuatu yang kita suka, yang kita mau, biar kita yang decide, sbb hanya kita yang tau arah tuju kita..
Minta restu mak ayah, in shaa Allah semua akan dipermudahkan.

Right after the session, deep inside I was crying, and I set a resolution.
Saya set azam saya. Saya set goals saya 2 tahun dari sekarang lepas grad, 5 tahun dari sekarang dan 10 tahun dari sekarang.
In shaa Allah saya kan pastikan kali ni tak terabai lagi cita-cita saya. Tak kelaut.
Cukup lah sekali menyesal.
Tak nak menyesal lagi.
Saya nak jadi orang berjaya.
Yang mak abah akan bangga dengan saya.
Nak tebus balik semua kesilapan dulu

Huge thanks to this program,
bukan sahaja contribute pada masyarakat, pada adik2 kat Alor Setar,
tapi juga banyak beri impact positive pada diri sendiri..

Betul lah kata orang, bila kita nasihat orang dengan tujuan yang betul, nasihat tu jugak akan dituju pada diri sendiri, dan seriously akan tertanam dalam diri.

Terima kasih Adik2 SMK Mergong, terima kasih Kem Kembara,
Terima kasih teammate fasilitator SMK Mergong,
Hazwan, Oyok, Syafiq, Anis, Hajar, Mega, Sath dan Dewi.
Satu pengalaman yang takkan saya lupakan. 

Okay ni ada sikit kenangan bersama mereka (:
Nak tengok gambar lebih2, boleh ke link di bawah ini (:

I wish to meet them again :')
I wish to go to this kind of program once again.

Kalau ada tau ada program macam gini lagi,
please do contact me yah (:

Thursday 18 April 2013


بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb..

Tiba-tiba terasa nak post tentang KAWAN.
Kawan bagi saya adalah orang terpenting dalam hidup, yang banyak memberi tunjuk ajar.
Yang banyak membuat saya timba bermacam2 pengalaman.
Seorang Singapura yang tinggal di Johor Bahru, dan belajar di Kuala Lumpur, sesungguhnya saya puyai kawan yang sangat ramai. Dari merata tempat.

Namun, tak semua kawan kita itu sahabat.
Apa bezanya kawan dengan sahabat?
Kawan, sesiapa pun punyai kawan. Kawan ada di mana2. Sesiapa pun boleh jadi kawan.
Tapi sahabat? Sahabat memang payah dicari.
Pernah ke kita dengar zaman Rasulullah dulu, Saiyidina Abu Bakar semua itu digelar sebagai sebagai 'kawan'? Tak kan?
Mereka itu sahabat, yang sentiasa melundingi Rasul kita, yang sentiasa berada bersama baginda dalam susah mahupun senang.

Orang kata, susah nak cari kawan yang baik.
Tapi saya kata, susah lagi nak jadi kawan yang baik.

Read between the lines yah?

Beberapa hari ni, banyak kali saya tersentap dengan beberapa situasi yang melibatkan kawan2 yang saya sayang.
Entah kenapa, ada kalanya rasa seperti diri tak dihargai. 
Walaupun sebagai kawan biasa, namun terasa saya ni tak wujud.

Sayunya hati bila tidak sedikit pun saya lupa pada kawan2 yang saya rapat,
tapi saya dilayan seolah2 saya bukan langsung kawan mereka.

Ada pula yang menyembunyi kan bermacam rahsia sedangkan saya sering dikata sebagai "kawan terapat". Saya orang terakhir yang tau "rahsia besar" dia tu.
Ada pula, yang memang tak sudi langsung nak contact lagi. Hilang tanpa berita. Fb ada. Skype ada. Tapi langsung tak membalas sikit pesanan.
Ada pula yang menyerahkan pemberian saya pada orang lain di hadapan saya,

Kalau mereka tahu siapa mereka ini....
Satu sahaja yang nak saya tanya..
Takkan sikit pun saya tak berharga pada kalian?..
Kalau ada salah, tolong tegur..
Kalau pernah mengguris, apa salahnya berterus terang?..

Hati kalau dah tersentap, sungguh terasa sangat. 
Sebab mereka bertiga di atas itu antara kawan yang paling saya letak dekat pada hati.

Kalau boleh, saya nak letak aje ego kat tepi..
Buang rasa marah, rasa kecik hati..
Buat macam biasa..
Sebab apa, saya sayang kawan2 saya..
Kalau boleh tak nak ada conflict apa2.

Tapi... Wallahu a'lam. 
Mungkin ada silap saya di mana2 yang membuat mereka ini seolah2 benci pada saya.
Dan.. Mungkin mereka tak perlukan saya lagi..
So yah.. Saya cuba belajar untuk tak memikirkan sangat......
Kata orang, not to dwell too much..

kalau ada kawan2 yang ada buat silap, tegur aje..Biar mereka tahu..
jangan sakitkan hati mereka.
jangan terlalu menghukum..
kita bukan sesiapa nak hukum orang sekeliling kita..
memang, kita masih boleh hidup tanpa kawan..
tapi sekurang2 nya kenang jasa kawan..
sekurang2 ingat waktu senang sama2..
kenang usaha kawan yang sedaya upaya cuba untuk ada dengan kita.
kalau tak suka nak berkawan, maka berterus terang mungkin lebih baik?
dari kita menjauhkan diri.. atau buat apa2 yang menyakitkan hati?..

berkata benar walaupun pahit kan?..

So I am taking the change here to apologize for any wrongdoings..
To whoever you are..

Kawan2 RSS. Coachees. 
Sesiapa pun yang terbaca post nie.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Refreshment for the Day !

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Okay. Cummon everyone who attended all the HEROES session in UM, raise up your hand ! Haha.
Well, I didnt attend all, in fact. *sadface*

But nevertheless, the last session on Nabi Muhammad S.A.W was awesomely awesome !
More than 1000 audiences and Masha Allah !
I'm so in love with this kind of program.
Congratulations to UM, UIA, ISCUM and PMIUM ! Woo ! 

 !!الله أكبر !!

The final session was spoken by Sheikh Waleed
More on leadership style.
Well, everyone is aware, our beloved prophet Muhammad S.A.W is the best leader of all.

You can refer to another RSS peer coach, Akmal's blog.
Click on the title below !
He shared the main 5 characteristics of a leader.

Okay here are some videos to share. It was played during the final session. 

Spoken word or we often call it "rap"..
Titled Innocence of Muslim.
And its about our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

A short reflection video.
How longing we are to meet HIM.
Poem by Ammar. Until I See You.

One last short film. You Only Live Twice. YOLT in short.
About death.
And the fact that we actually live twice.
Here, in dunya, and there in hereafter.
Nice reflection slot for everyone.

Please.... I urge you to watch, especially  if you have not even heard of it before. 

See you in the next post !

والله أعلم بالصّواب

That One Flaw in Me.

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

Hye everyone. Its the 7th week of the semester and I hope everything is going good.
Nothing is getting easy for now. Everything seems so rushing. Time is like sooo limited.
And at times, you just feel as if you have no life at all.
Having to wake up early in the morning. Attending the classes and lectures till evening.
Got meeting for some programmes right after class, and finally a short period in the night to complete your tutorial homeworks. Then left with only 3 to 4 hours of sleep..
And there it goes for the next morning, the same routine applies. ><

Personally, even though I am now the peer coaches to some of my juniors, but I do feel the pressures of such situations.
Its undeniable, as a normal human beings, there are always that one feelings of being regretful, involving myself in too many activities, while taking ALOT of credit hours.
Nah. Is the situation to be blamed? Obviously NO.

I've wanted to be a risk taker, as I have decided earlier on to make a change to myself so as to upgrade and develop myself.
Though people always say to me, please do something that only you can afford to do so.
Never try to burden yourself.
But, at this point of life, I know I am not getting any younger to play safe, to always be in the comfort zone all the time.
It's me to be blamed, for if anything happens, either to my commitment towards studies or my programmes, ITS MY OWN FAULT.
For not being able to manage my time well.

My point here is, for all the readers of this blog, please think before you do something.
Plan your schedule properly and place your activities in line with your timetable so as to avoid any clashes. Therefore even though your timetable seems to be very packed, well at least, it will be properly organised and you will surely enjoy every single moments of your activities, or perhaps assignments, or tutorials, or whatsoever associated to it.

Being regretful wont help you at all.
You cant simply rewind the time and start all over again.
You cant simply raise the white flag and stop right there, and turn to any new way.
What you do anything is what you do everything, right?.
So what portrays you when you tend to just end your half-way journey that you've started longggg ago?.
To be harsh, someone irresponsible, isnt it?

Well, that scares me alot. And perhaps, I'm writing this as a reminder to myself too.


Well, can you all sum up the matters here?
That one flaw in me..
I get easily agitated in the situation where everything cramps in one shot.

And yes, there are times, in the middle of this kind situation, there's always the feelings of being inferior, lower degree of confidence, of can I really get through this? Am I really able to face the hardships, or will I just break down and... whats next ?

Okay above is the poster of 12th College's program.. Facilitator program, that will be held in Kedah,
for SPM students.
We had 2 meeting so far, and yah, such a great discussion among the members.
They are all so experienced, and speak like professionals.
They have been facilitators before, they know alot.
Compared to me.
I'm zero in this field. Well, still zero. (I know I can do better and make a change somehow cause everyone is born to be leader, thats my belief).
The fact that I did not contribute much due to lack of experiences demoralize me.
Yelah....... orientasi kolej ke, fakulti ke, memang saya tak pernah pergi.
Sebab apa? Pelajar antarabangsa memang tak diwajibkan...
Could still remember PM's saying this all the time :
"Okay. You all can go back to you room and rest."
Nah. Memang tak taulah cheers 12th macam mana. Cheers orang lain macam mana.
What kind of activities involved. And so on so forth;

People might ask, so why am I here?. 
Knows nothing but still want to be part of this facilitating program?
Being around with ALL common young facilitators?.
Segan? Of course. 
But sebab saya tak tau menau lah pasal ni, I seriously want to learn.

Afterall what I'm doing now with RSS is coaching.
Facilitating and coaching are not much different.
So why not I take this chance to enhance my credibility to be a good leader?

It seems hard though. I just cant deny that.
But I seriously want to go deep into this kind of activities.
Facilitating and coaching.

Bersusah-susah dahulu, senang-senang kemudian ~
Pelan-pelan kayuh.
Sikit-sikit jadi bukit.
Biar hasil nya berbuah cantik nanti.

Tolong doakan saya ya.

والله أعلم بالصّواب