Friday 12 July 2013

Kawan. Part 2.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Okay. Recalling the previous post regarding friends. The post entitled "Kawan". 
I am not going to talk much about this.
Friendship is something that is actually undefined by words.
No terms "bestfriend forever" exist in real life.

For all we should know,
harsh fact of life is that people come and go.
And friends, they come into our lives for two reasons.
Either as blessings or lessons.

I came across a status in FB. Written by someone whom I've never known yet I just love what he said.
And I'm going to share this. And yes, its a copy-paste.
Cause his words are just as perfect as anyone could ever thought of.
Every single phrase was awesome It suits our real life situation.
Everything that usually happens among friends.
A true fact. That one can never deny.

So here it is. Those words written by a guy named Matthew Zachary Liu

Friends drift apart all the time. Groups of friends we might have known from childhood, secondary school, poly or university will dwindle over time for varied reasons. You could be the"best of friends", sharing personal secrets and hanging out almost everyday but become awkward strangers the next season..

Friendship is really just one of those indefinable words that mean different things to different people at different times. Most friendships are transient, they come and go with time, place and circumstances. Acquaintances may turn into friends, friends may turn into strangers.

Its sad but some friendships are just not meant to last. People change, priorities defer, situations occur.. we change. I personally don't believe in the whole calling each other "best friends forever"..

Imagine if you go around declaring that a certain person is your "bff" but after a petty quarrel, you never speak to each other ever again (almost true story). That'll certainly be a joke, wouldn't it?

I've learned that true friendship doesn't need to be labeled or broadcasted with such terms, its simply a special relationship between you and whoever.

Anyway, I was just thinking about a certain something regarding friendship.. more often then not, friends fall out because of a misunderstanding. But I guess sometimes, when deep down we feel that it'd be such a waste to let a particular friendship be destroyed like that, we should just put our pride and ego aside and take the initiative in saying "hey, we need to talk"..

Have a heart to heart talk and thrash things out face to face, not talk behind each other's back creating a series of negative repercussions and animosity. Because its all these bitching over a certain misunderstanding that destroys friendships and relationships, not just our own but the people around us as well.

Even if resolving the friendship is beyond hope, we shouldn’t ever go so low as to kiss-and-tell. Certain friendships may not always have a happy continuation, but their past values should never be negated.

Incidents will sometimes happen, but the secrets and memories shared should always remain special. Sacred. Its stupid to deny or tarnish the value of those memories.

Its also extremely degrading when one starts dishing out all the dirt in a fit of emotional fury or for revenge. Personally, I really don't think we should ever disrespect another in the eyes of others just because they longer fit into our life.

The thing is, we are actually a sum total of all our relationships, past and present, mixed together with our own peculiar personality. Every single person we've met along the way, no matter how long we've known them or how much we've shared during those times, have definitely made us who we are today in little ways we might not even have realized ourselves.

All these people are there for a reason. They give meaning and often leave an impact at various stages of our lives. And its all these special moments that are to be treasured because although friendships may not always last forever, its these memories that do..


This whole piece of thing moves my heart. He mentioned every single thing that I believe might had happened to anyone in the whole wide world. 
Read between the lines and you know exactly I'm feeling right now.
Friendship breaks. Relationships breaks. Feelings fade. Situation occurs.
But memories remain.
The value of memories that eventually and indirectly brings the maturity in each and everyone of us.

I hold no revenge for whatever that has happened in my past between my old friends and I.
I hold not regrets in knowing those who walked off just like that. 
Yes I do dwell. But this Matthew had made me realise that friends, 
will always be friends. No more.


Friendship is made in the heart.
Silent. Unwritten.
Unbreakable by distance.
Unchangeable by time.
Once a friend,
always a friend.

Well that was then.

والله أعلم بالصواب

People Change

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Assalamualaikum wr wb. Okay Salam Ramadhan to everyone and today's topic is such a cliche as you can see there. People Change.

I used to dwell so much when I tend to lose some people in life. Keep wondering why have they changed so much and simply walked off. I wonder why some relationship doesnt turn out well even though it had been for so many years. I just wonder why do people change.

Well to think of it back. Everyone change. For as time passes we cant really hope things would remain the same. Feelings fade. And #facts, we are human beings, and hati manusia tak pernah tetap. Sedang dgn Allah je boleh goyang apatah lagi dengan perkara lain kat dunia nie.

I had a hard time reflecting on this, and yes, I finally agree that, people change. And so do I.

Yesterday as I had my fingers on the keyboards, I browsed through 3 of private blogs which they were all last updated in 2010. I got damn speechless when most of the posts were all poems and some kinda of nukilan here and there. And there it goes, how I realise, how much I've really changed ><

Siapa sangka saya mampu mengarang puisi? Cerpen?. Nukilan2 yang jiwang-jiwang belaka?. Yang mana bila saya sendiri baca sekarang, sampai terasa menusuk kalbu. Sampai tak percaya, itu hasil nukilan saya ke?. Biar betul?.

Saya duduk entah berapa lama semalam. Cuba nak mengarang beberapa rangkap puisi pon tak mampu. Tergagap-gagap. Mulut terkumat kamit tapi entah apa yang cuba nak disampaikan. Bahasa pun tak pandai dah nak berbunga2. Idea ada, "object" nya dah ada. Hati ligat berbisik2. Tapi entah kenapa tak terluah langsung. Sama ada kat kertas, atau kat Microsoft Word nie. 

I sat back and had a deep thought, where is the old me?. T.T
Writing was my passion. Benda2 sentimental memang itu jiwa saya.
But what happened now?. >< Sekarang seolah2 hati ni dah jadi keras. 

Well I guess the personality test has proven all. Dari phlegmatic ke sanguine, ke choleric. Lebih outspoken, tak suka lagi nak pendam2. Tak suka lagi nak berkias bahasa. Lebih suka berterus terang. 

Sebab tu ke skill menulis hilang?. 

Tak nafi, beberapa nukilan hampir buat saya termuntah sendiri, atas sebab jiwang yang teramat. Tapi ada juga yang menusuk jauh sampai ke dasar hati. Betapa halusnya jiwa dulu. Berbanding sekarang. Boleh tengok dari cara saya tulis semua post kan?. ><

Betul kata Abg Mirul. Betul kata Atikah Zakaria. Now I found the reasons why we are required to write. Bila baca balik semua post kat blog2 lama tuh, sesungguhnya, baru saya sedar, saya dah banyak berubah. Entah macam mana hati boleh jadi keras macam skrg ni. Entah macam mana ego boleh meninggi tak macam dulu. Lebih suka mengalah. Lebih suka appreciate orang dalam kata-kata. Ada aje post yg ditujukan untuk kengkawan. Sbb nak hargai dorang.. Tak kira kawan lelaki atau perempuan.

Sekarang?. "Tak nak lah. Nanti makwe dorang marah pulak." "Tak nak lah. Nanti orang termuntah pulak.. Benda kecik pon nak berpuisi bagai..". "Buat puisi utk perempuan?. Mcm lain mcm aje?."

Well I did that back then ! I really did. Bila baca balik. Dan ingat balik. Dulu bangga adalah bila menulis untuk orang. Tak pernah kisah pon apa orang fikir. Yang penting kita nak orang tu baca dan tau kita memang sayang dia, sbb tu mention kat blog Sekarang?. *tariknafasdalamdalam*

We are not getting any younger and we just cant turn back the time. I am who I am right now. Whoever I used to be in the past shall be a lesson to be,as well as a step for me to keep on moving forward, being a better one in the future. Mana tau, bakat menulis tu satu hari tiba2 datang balik kan?.

Cause what I can really say now,
I miss writing. Writing with deep passion. 

Okay stay tuned for the next post. Its about Jodoh.
Since I wrote one about this much earlier.
And be ready.
Im gonna include one of my nukilan in the next post.
Be ready not to vomit. :p