Tuesday 2 September 2014

Head Vs Heart

harsh fact of life is that you can never have all the things on your wishlist.
and no matter how hard you go for it, if it is not meant not be, it can never be.

effort is what needed most. yes. all you need is to put in effort,
consistently, or even more.

but dont you know, the most difficult thing ever on earth,
is to be consistent?
therefore personally i would say, i would rather go slow.
have faith.

yes you may say, iktisab is needed in Islam..
if you really want something, you really have to work hard and go for it.
but one most important thing called mistakes, that people usually do,
is that they are expecting too much than that what they are doing.

expectation kills, babe.
it hurts. alot.
when you expect too much, it may reflect to say that,
you dont believe in Allah's plan.
and when things didnt turn out to be well,
you tend to dwell.
and blame yourself for not trying harder.

head vs heart.
and this ultimate battle will then come haunting,
on which you knew then that your effort is going to be worthless,
but deep inside, you still want to give it a try,
and you end up giving up on what you have been waiting on for so long,
cause you know, you just cant make it,

or, it could be the other way round.
where your head tells you to just go for it,
but deep inside, you knew, it is just impossible,
and it's clear cut,
things can never be as how you wished it to be.

dont deny that you have never been in this kind of shoes.

the battle, that you would hate the most,
placing you in tremendously difficult situation called dilemma,
where you cant even think, nor decide,
either your brain or your heart, that tells you right.

and in the end,
the only thing you realise,
through all these hardships,
they were all blessings in disguise.


head vs heart,
the ultimate battle, you can never predict on which will win.

an example to share,
i have been in accounting field for almost seven years,
and throughout those 6 years,
i have been telling myself,
this is bullshit, i am not going to make it.

but what more can i deny,
when i am now sitting in the living room,
spending my final week of my semester break,
waiting to enrol for my very final year of my bachelor studies?
yes dear, after 3 years.

my head has always been telling me, it is hard, but i just cant simply let go.
where my heart says, i should always go for what i want.

well up until now,
no decision has been made.
all i know is i am simply going with the flow,
and if my rizq happens to be in accounting/auditing field,
alhamdulillah, then it is worth my effort,
but if it is not, and i couldnt fit into this field, anymore,
then that is what we call takdir.
no matter how hard you try,
if it is not meant to be, it can never be.

well the same goes to other aspects,
like relationships..
those people who tend to act like they care,
but they actually dont,
but on the other side,
sometimes you tend to be as much optimistic as you can,
thinking that they do really care just because you can see through their actions,
cause you believe in the saying of action speaks louder than words,
but how can you be so positive in a situation, for example,
where you that he is already in a relationship with other girls?
how can you be so rigid saying that he cares for you?.
while he is taken?.

that is when you just cant brain this.
where your head contradicts with your heart.
where you cant really tell, on which is right,
your heart that loves them,
or your head that tells you to leave them alone,
cause you just know, you mean nothing.

well of course,
prayer is the only solution.

but all you need to bear in mind is that,
you need to expect less.
you need to have faith,
and most importantly,
put your hopes low on those things, or people,
that are certainly vague, and is at no clarity to your happiness,
go with the flow with much redha in your heart,
and that's when your head will tell you that,
everything's gonna be alright.

there it goes babe,
life is about balancing both your head and your heart.


Monday 1 September 2014



Entah tak tau sama ada blog ni masih ada follower, atau tak.

Aku tau, dah setahun dah tak update. Sejujurnya, rindu pula pada coaching sessions, rindu pulak nak share masalah dengan kawan2, dan team2 coaching, dengar pendapat coachees, dan dengar leteran Abg Mirul dan Kak Elin.

Dah 1 September 2014, teringat pulak kalau tahun yg sudah2, 2 tahun berturut, pasti dah kelam kabut berhenti kerja, untuk join SERU dalam Minggu Haluan Siswa. Tak pernah lupa, 2 tahun berturut jugak, diberi peluang naik ke pentas DTC untuk berucap, walaupun aku bukan seorang yang hebat mana.

Rasa bersalah menyelubungi, bila langsung tidak lagi aktif dalam apa2 aktiviti. terlalu rindu, tapi entah kenapa, aku macam tak mampu lagi.

Semangat yang hilang? Wallahu a'lam. 

Maaf. Kalau ada pihak, yang kecewa dengan sikap aku. Aku yakin, pasti ada.

Sesungguhnya dah masuk tahun akhir ni, semakin banyak benda yang aku imbas kembali. Of how I used to be so asabiah, not mixing around with people. Sampai lah aku jadi seorang yang sedikit terbuka. Macam mana aku hadkan kawan2 aku, sampai lah aku jadi seorang yang tak memilih sesiapa pun. Dari seorang yang judgemental, sampai aku jadi seorang yang tahu hargai setiap orang yang pernah hadir dalam hidup aku.

Aku tak pernah lupa saat2 join SERU dulu. SERU platform aku mula kenal diri aku. Aku mula gali diri aku. Walaupun aku sedar, aku macam biskut aje kat SERU ni, sekejap ada, sekejap takde, tapi demi Allah aku tak pernah lupa, of how SERU acts as a medium, for me to know new people, and learn what life exactly is.

Aku tak pernah lupa, first2, macam mana Azim ajak aku join SERU. I was reluctant but in the end, aku ikut jugak. Betapa kekoknya aku, bila tak kenal sesape dalam group aku. 

Bila dah mula kenal semua orang dalam group aku, rasa sayangnya aku pada semua group member aku, Tuhan aje yg tau. Zul dan Atikah Zakaria, antara coaching peers yang sangat membantu. Zul seorang partner yang sangat terbaik, walaupun dia tarik diri dari RSS, dia jugak lah yang aku kadang2 cari kalau perlu khidmat nasihat.... Zul sangat percaya pada keyakinan diri aku, bila aku sendiri takde keyakinan. Walaupun jarang contact, contact aje si Zul ni, he will be there for sure. Aku bersyukur kenal si Zul ni. Seorang kawan, seorang adik, seorang team member, yang terbaik so far.

Macam tu jugak lah dengan Atikah. Masih ingat lagi masa mula2 rapat, Atikah seolah tau, apa yang aku fikir. Dia kata, boleh nampak kat mata. Aku tak perlu cerita. Walaupun bukan lah berkawan bertahun2, tapi Atikah sangat memahami. Pertama kali aku mula luahkan sesuatu perkara, dari A sampai Z, was during Discover Yourself Seminar kat Cititel, 16hb March 2013. Dia nampak aku nangis waktu seminar, dia approach, suruh aku bersabar, dan dia tahu kenapa sebenarnya aku menangis masa tu !  Allah. And guess what? Sampai ke hari ni lah, walaupun kita tak lepak bersama, tak berjumpa, Atikah tau, bila masanya aku okay, dan bila masanya tidak. Dan dia akan contact, tepat pada waktunya. 

Terlalu banyak kenangan dengan kumpulan U-Youth batch RSS yang pertama. Kalau aku nak cerita satu2, Hazwan, Firman, Kak Biba, Inia, memang akan jadi novel lah jawabnya,

Macam mana pulak dengan ahli yang lain yang dari kumpulan lain?

Aku tak pernah kenal orang2 lain selain kumpulan aku sendiri. Tapi bila kita mula diikitiraf sbg 2nd batch, dan mula pegang tanggunugjawab as coaches pada juniors, baru lah aku kenal Habib, Akmal, Arif.

Aku tak rapat dengan mereka ni. Tapi sikit sebanyak, bila ada coaching session dgn abg Mirul, dari situ aku mula kenal character masing2. Mereka jenis tak berkira kalau diminta tolong. Again, I am grateful to know them..

Sebelum start Upgrade Yourself Training, dalam masa yang sama, ada trip untuk ke rumah kebajikan orang tua. Kat Sri Kembangan. Dah lama dalam RSS, dari situ baru aku kenal Harif pulak.. dia dari kumpulan lain. Dah lama baru aku tau wujudnya budak ni dalam RSS ni rupanya. I can honestly say, he is a good friend, whom you can depend on, to spill out your problems, he will listen, respond. First kenal je dah cukup impressed, when we first talked about jobs in Msia. He was being neutral when he talked. Tak biased. And he's the type who accepts other opinions without being judgmental, even though he has his own stand. Walaupun nampak pendiam, dia sebenarnya pendengar yang baik, and the things that come out from his mouth the moment when he's advising, its like all about wisdom. Tolong jangan underestimate dia.


Walaupun keadaan sekarang ni dah berbeza, aku dapat rasa ada kerenggangan antara kita semua, atau segilintir dari kita, tapi, aku nak semua tau, aku rindu sebenarnya. Dan, aku tak pernah lupa apa2 yang kita pernah go through sesama masa kat RSS, dan jugak ukhuwwah selepas tu. Kalau aku ada kuasa, aku nak putar balik masa, and cherish semua masa kita dulu >.<


Tak lupa jugak, adik2 dari kumpulan Empire Puma, yang sampai ke hari ni masih lagi contact. Yang kalau ada apa2, mereka masih lagi cari aku. Walaupun aku tak lagi dalam RSS. Zila Jaapar, Jannah, Edd, Yani... terharu bila ada masanya, mereka masih lagi tanya pendapat aku tentang sesuatu perkara. I feel so much appreciated. (:


Hope adik2 batch bawah kita, dapat kekalkan ukhuwwah mereka. And make RSS much more better than what we had done before. Hope mereka semua dapat banggakan RSS dan SERU, Abg Mirul dan Kak Elin lebih dari apa yang kami telah lakukan dulu.

Salah silap mohon maaf. 

Maaf. Cara menulis kali ni lebih pada meluah.. 

Andai masih ada yang membaca,

I shall thank you for your part in my journey.
You know who you are (':
