Monday 5 November 2012

Hardships. Now.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

A month plus of not updating this blog certainly makes me feel guilty to the max.. I lost my password, entered it wrongly for more than 3 times if Im not mistaken, and google mail as well as this blogger were being abandoned. Wi Fi in UM is getting slowww and even google site is unable to be configured. Haish. But Alhamdulillah. . Had the chance to write today...

Its now the 9th week of schooling and yes, we are reaching the mid semester break. It has been hard on me, trying my very best to catch up with the super fast learning scheme in my faculty. I feel so slow, too many muggings need to be done, and it is as if time is limited.

Yes,. Like what I've told you guys before. Some people tend to laugh, and just say 
"kan aku dah kata...susah amik 21 jam kredit..kau degilll..". 

It was demoralizing. But somehow, who cares? Its me who's bearing it now, and I dont even need that kind of sarcastic sympathy. What do I need then? Support, obviously.

But supports or advices from friends wont help if we do not make the initiative to upgrade ourselves. kita yang tentuklan diri kita. Bukan orang lain. Kita yang corak hidup kita.

Uhuh. Kadang2 saya terfikir, kenapa saya perlu sangat sokongan dari orang lain sedangkan saya tau pucuk pangkal diri, hati dan minda kita sendiri boleh buat sesuatu perkara tu sendiri?. Hmm mungkin, psychology lah kan?. Hidup ni kita tak mampu sendiri.

Even it is cited in the Hadith, where Rasulullah talked about good friends. Here this out, 

انّما مثل الجليس الصالح و الجليس السوء كحامل المسك و نافخ الكير ، فحامل المسك امّا أن يحذيك ، و امّا أن تبتاع منه ، و امّا أن تجد منه ريحا طيبة ، و نافخ الكير امّا أن يحرق ثيابك ، و امّا أن تجد منه ريحا خبيثة .

“Permisalan teman yang baik dan teman yang jahat seperti penjual minyak wangi dan penjual besi. Penjual minyak wangi bisa memberimu minyak wanginya, dan engkau membeli darinya dan engkau akan dapat darinya aroma yang wangi. Sementara si penjual besi, ia bisa membakar pakaianmu dan bisa jadi engkau dapat darinya bau yang busuk.” (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Therefore we really have to know who our friends are. I am not inducing you to be choosy or to be arrogant or to be proud nor snobbish. Just that, at this point of time in your life, you should know how to evaluate your surroundings, and the people around you. Jangan sesekali biar diri kita kena tindas. Mana kawan yang agak menyakitkan hati tu, rasanya, angkat kaki, beri salam. Semoga selamat sejahtera lah hidup beliau :p

In life, there is nothing easy. And you cant even find one. Even rainbows appear after rain. I admit the hardships I'm going through now in terms of studies, in terms, of friendships, relationships, and some personal problems, sometimes made me feel as though I'm now at the lowest peak of my life. But nevertheless, saya tetap bangun dari tidur dengan keadaan yang sangat sempurna takda cacat celanya. Jadi, takde sebab kan untuk saya give up?.....

Thats what I keep telling myself...


Last 2 weeks, I went to Program Sukarelawan Muda Mudi, conducted by SERU, the same day 2nd  UYT was held. SERU brought us to Rumah Seri Kenangan in Cheras. I went there with one of the other RSS, Harif Harun and I can say we had such a great experience though it was just a mere visit.

Hati mana tak berat tengok orang2 tua ditinggalkan dekat rumah orang tua?.. 

Kita hiburkan orang2 tua, menyanyi... Berbual dengan mereka. Amik gambar, berbalas pantun lagi.. Ketawa. Mereka ada yang happy, ada yang sedih. Ada yang termenung. Ada yang bersukan. Exercise..Ada duduk tengok tv.. Ada enjoy the performance by their friends.. Kira dah mcm astu family lah.. Facilities pon nampak lengkap. dan nampak mereka dijaga dengan rapi..

Still ...... Though this old folks home is the most beautiful and most comfortable ever I've never went before, but still, I dont and I wont have the heart to send any of my parents to this welfare home. Nauzubillah. That will never happen.

Macam mana sibuk mak ayah kerja nak jaga kita, kita pon boleh buat benda yang sama kan?. Kalau kita tau nak usaha dari sekarang.....

Sebab, orang tua mesti sedih... Teringat lagi masa nak balik dari rumah ni, kita salam semua yang ada. Peluk cium mereka... Dan ada yang kata dengan berlinangan airmata, "terima kasih datang... ada jugak yang sudi jenguk kita kat sini..."

Hati mana tak sebak kan?...


Dear SERU, I had fun with this kind of activity, boleh adakan activity macam gini lagi tak?. Suka.. (:

والله أعلم بالصّواب

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